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1 Joanne  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 8:34:30am
The Florida Kardashian wants another fifteen minutes.

Perfectly put.

2 majii  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 5:37:26pm

How in the hell did she expect the FBI and the Pentagon to discover who sent the emails if the agencies didn’t examine all of them? She has no information proving that these agencies didn’t get search warrants before they searched her emails. She also has no proof that it was someone in one of these agencies that leaked her name to the press. IMO, if her reputation was damaged by her associations with Petraeus and Allen, maybe she should think about those with whom she associates in the future. I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to seek out associations with persons in positions of power just to have bragging rights about it.

3 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 6:37:16pm

re: #1 Joanne

Perfectly put.

With the qualifier that Kris Jenner is connected enough to actual reality that no Kardashian would have filed this suit. It’s that lame.

4 subterraneanhomesickalien  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 10:34:16pm

Just another starfucker gettin fucked.

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